Bos JNT Cabang Tambora Tewas Gantung Diri. Diduga Utang Kalah Judi Online

Foto: Petugas Polsek Tambora mengidentifikasi jasad korban Bos JNT Cabang Tambora tewas gantung diri. (Ist.)

Bos agen jasa ekpedisi pengiriman paket J&T ditemukan tewas dalam keadaan tergantung di kantornya sendiri yang berlokasi di kawasan Tanah Sereal, Tambora, Jakarta Barat. Pada Rabu (10/5/2023) kemarin.

Korban bos JNT Cabang Tambora yakni bernama Alexander Leo Gunawan (26) ditemukan tak bernyawa terikat seutas tali sejenis tambang berwarna putih, diduga bunuh diri pada Rabu (10/5/2023) sekira pukul 16.30 WIB kemarin.

Kapolsek Tambora Kompol Putra Pratama membenarkan kejadian tersebut. Korban bos JNT Cabang Tambora ditemukan tewas dalam keadaan tergantung diduga bunuh diri karena depresi.

“Korban adalah pemilik agen pengiriman paket di TKP. Korban diduga bunuh diri dengan cara gantung diri karena depresi,” ujar Kompol Putra Pratama dikonfirmasi, Jumat (12/5/2023).

Putra menjelaskan, korban diketahui warga Jakarta Pusat memiliki istri dan dua orang anak itu awalnya datang ke kantor sekira pukul 16.00 WIB. Di sana ada beberapa karyawan.Tak lama berselang istri korban datang dan menanyakan keberadaan suaminya kepada karyawan. Saat itu karyawan mengatakan jika bosnya itu ada di belakang.

Istri dan karyawan pun kaget ternyata korban ditemukan tak bernyawa dalam keadaan tergantung di lantai tiga kantor pengiriman paket tersebut. “Setelah sampai di lantai tiga, di dalam gudang melihat korban sudah dalam kondisi meninggal dunia karena gantung diri menggunakan tali tambang kecil warna putih,” kata Putra.

Putra menjelaskan, brrdasarkan keterangan pihak keluarga, korban sedang dalam masalah keluarga dan juga utang piutang, salah satunya kalah bermain judi online. “Berdasarkan keterangan keluarga dan saksi-saksi, korban sedang dalam masalah hutang piutang dan sedang dalam masalah keluarga. Hutang piutang karena kalah judi online,” tuturnya.

Namun pihak keluarga tak merinci berapa hutang yang dialami korban. Keluarga juga tidak mengungkap apa permasalahan keluarga yang sedang dialami korban.

Sebelum memutuskan gantung diri, Putra mengatakan bahwa korban sempat berkomunikasi kepada istrinya untuk menyampaikan apa yang ia lakukan.

Korban bos JNT Cabang Tambora juga menitipkan kedua anaknya kepada sang istri.”Korban sempat berkomunikasi dulu terhadap istrinya, menyampaikan apa yang akan dia lakukan dan menitipkan anak-anak. Motif awal korban bunuh diri diduga karena masalah utang piutang dan masalah keluarga,” tutur Kapolsek.

Selain itu, kata Putra, korban juga sempat dikejar oleh beberapa pihak terkait masalah hutang piutang itu.Kematian korban dipastikan akibat gagal nafas setelah dilakukan visum di RSCM. Usai divisum jenazah dibawa pihak keluarga untuk disemayamkan.


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Mudah bukan sobat, jadi sobat semua tidak perlu ragu lagi untuk jual laptopnya dengan mudah,aman dan terpercaya

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I often hear people discuss how to click test cps write my own paper cheap and that their expertise was great enough to show them it is indeed possible. It’ll be a good thing for those that are thinking about improving their writing skills so they can learn to improve your writing skills too.

Paper Continue reading →

Tempat jual laptop di daerah Johar baru Jakarta Pusat

Bagi Anda yang memiliki laptop tidak terpakai,ingin ganti laptop, laptop Anda bermasalah, laptop Anda terlalu tua / kuno dan ingin dijual dan Anda berada di daerah Johar baru jakarta pusat. Anda dapat membuka  (Panggil / sms / whatsapp) kami menerima berbagai jenis laptop mulai dari merek acer, lenovo, asus, dell, serta MACBOOK. jadi bagi kamu yang berada di daerah Johar baru jakarta pusat segera hubungi kami sekarang juga di  (Telp / sms / whatsapp)

Jualinlaptop Indonesia ( tempat terpercaya untuk jual dan beli laptop

Foto produk

Hallo sobat jualin, kita adalah tempat terpercaya buat sobat semua untuk yang mau menjual laptopnya. Mulai dari kondisi normal sampai dengan kondisi kerusakan ringan tetapi untuk kondisi mati total kami belum bisa bantu ya sobat.. pun hadir di beberapa kota loh… Seperti di kota-kota di Jabodetabek dan ada juga nih yang di luar Jabodetabek sobat yaitu di kota Semarang,Yogyakarta dan juga Bandung nih sobat.

Untuk sobat semua yang ingin menjual laptopnya atau ingin mengedek harga laptop sobat bisa banget nih langsung aja sobat bisa menghubungi kita dengan 2 cara, yaitu :

  1. Sobat bisa membuka website kita di jualinlaptop id nah, nanti sobat semua akan diarahkan ke website dengan tampilan seperti ini yaa..

Setelah itu tinggal sobat isi untuk Data Penerima dan tunggu beberapa saat nanti akan segera dihubungi oleh Customer Servis kami.

Foto produk

  1. Ada juga nih cara selanjutnya yaitu melalui Nomor Whatsapp kami sobat.

Berikut adalah nomor-nomor yang bisa sobat hubungi berdasarkan daerah asal sobat atau daerah yang sobat tempati saat ini 😊

Bandung        : 0813-2103-0351

Bekasi            : 0812-1391-0443

Bogor             : 0821-1511-2231

Depok            : 0821-2485-8945

Jakarta           : 0821-2427-7964

Tangerang     : 0821-1494-6046

Semarang     : 0813-9178-7514

Yogyakarta    : 0812-1564-5041

Mudah bukan sobat, jadi sobat semua tidak perlu ragu lagi untuk jual laptopnya dengan mudah,aman dan terpercaya….

How To Write A Research Paper

There are so many styles of writing a research document, but there are 3 styles that are the most typical. The first style is an overview of your thesis or subject. The second style is really an argument for the thesis. The next style is research on a particular theme.

Each style of writing a research paper contains its merits and disadvantages. Continue reading →

Why you should work with a Professional Essay Writing Service

As with any other type of essay writing, urgent essays, also, are not getting much attention from readers. This is probably because they’re so different from the standard essay that we write each day. Similar to corretor ortografico portugues other kinds of academic essays, urgent essays typically get less attention than others. This is due to the fact that the writer must work hard to convince readers that their opinions are important.

Many writers are confused as to how to approach this kind of essay writing. Do you prefer to adhere to the same rules when writing regular essays? Do you need to adhere to the standard format in order to create a good impression? These questions can be answered by understanding that there are no general rules for writing. The style a writer chooses to use is largely based on the circumstances surrounding the project, and the type of message the writer wants to convey.

Some people believe it is better to write corretor gramatical ingles urgent essays. They have a deadline and need all their research and ideas to be completed swiftly. Others use urgent essays to present their final arguments, which is a more complex and lengthy procedure than simply stating the reasons why they wrote the essay. Some students write their essays this way because they don’t have enough time to finish their essay before the deadline. This makes it harder to complete their essay.

No matter the reason for urgent research papers, it is crucial that the author has a clear idea of what he or her will do at each step of the writing process. This outline will allow the writer to guide him or her as he or she begins writing the research paper. The outline is crucial because it serves as the guide through the various steps that need to be taken throughout the writing process. When you are writing an urgent essay, it’s especially helpful to begin with an outline to ensure that the writer has an understanding of the direction to follow when he or she starts the task. It also helps students stay on track throughout the process of researching.

Many universities, colleges and universities have essay requirements that must be met prior to the start of the academic year. It could be beneficial to write an urgent essay to meet these requirements before the new academic year starts. If the essay is required to be submitted electronically, it may be beneficial to submit an electronic version of the essay as soon as possible, preferably before the beginning of the semester to ensure that it is acceptable to the academic panel. Even when the deadline is near but it is possible to meet the deadline by completing the task as soon as you can. This is true for any writing assignment. It is not contingent on the length of time that the essay will be completed.

The process of conducting research could take a significant amount of time, and it’s common for academics to wish to finish their writing assignments quickly. Due to this, any suggestion regarding essay writing and proofreading should be completed as fast as is possible. By taking the proper steps to prepare for any deadline, essay deadlines can be met with far less stress and worry. Remember that urgent essays must be completed in order to earn credit and not be a negative impact on the student’s grades.

Many professional essay writing services are on hand to meet the demands of any writer. Many of them offer research and suggestions that are useful to writers in need of urgent help. These services can give suggestions on how to write an urgent essay. Writing services can offer helpful tips on plot, characters and even plot structure and character development.

Writing experts can assist you with urgent essays. Many writers only collaborate with students to complete academic writing projects. These services also offer advice from experienced writers on a variety of topics. Students and writers working together usually develop a strong working relationship and an efficient style that is conducive to success. Students in all academic disciplines will appreciate it as a great option to use an experienced essay writer service.

5 Tips For Success in Composing Emergency Essays

Various other instances, urgent essays don’t just ask hearing and admitting but even require you to write them by hand. Writing urgent essays on specialist assistance. This calls for some tips and tips on how best to write them in the greatest possible way. Here are a few tips that you can consider:

First of all, when writing Continue reading →

How to Choose the Best Casino Game

Are you in search of the best online casino games? All levels of slot players love to play slots. There are different types of slots gamblers can play, but they all provide the chance to win huge sums of money. There are many factors that influence the choice of the most effective casino slot games.

When you are choosing the ideal casino slot machines, it is important to be experienced in playing. If a player isn’t used to playing at specific casinos might encounter difficulties with the different slot machine. It takes time and effort to get comfortable with new machines. Therefore, beginners should opt for a casino game that does not require any understanding of the game before placing bets on any kind of game.

Before you begin playing on an online casino slot machine be aware of what you will be doing while you are gambling. Different types of slots can be used to provide different gaming experiences. The best casino game slots will depend on the preference of the individual gambler and his or her preferences in relation to casino table games.

In order to find the best slot machines for casinos people should take into consideration the amount they would like to invest in a game. The amount of money a player is willing to risk will influence which kind of slots he or she chooses. For example, if the player is prepared to lose a long-term sum of money, a slot with a five minute house edge could be more appealing. It is crucial that the player considers the amount of time they would like to be playing for. A player who has a longer playing time will have a greater chance of winning, but he or she will need to put in more money and lose more over the course of their lives.

The best casino game slots should also offer a high payout rate. The most neteller casino deposit reliable slots do not offer players large sums of money in one go. The payout rate of casinos will differ according to the amount of jackpots and machines. Certain casinos might pay an unspecified jackpot every two weeks. For those who regularly play some casinos may offer larger jackpots.

Some gamblers prefer to play games online instead of playing in casinos in their own. The online gambling experience is more secure as opposed to traditional casinos. Online gambling lets players not be identified gambling partners, and also, mistakes can be corrected quicker. Online gambling is a great option, there is also no requirement to travel, which is costly. When the slot machines give out little amounts of cash, the player can also make savings.

While brick-and-mortar casinos provide many advantages, online roulette offers a greater convenience. Some gamblers prefer roulette over other table games at casinos because it is more challenging to beat. While you can increase the bets, it will take longer than tether casino sites slot machines. Also, it is less likely that gamblers will be able to lose money due to of a software glitch. Roulette online offers huge prizes and players are more likely win due to the fact that they’re able to invest in trying to outdo the odds.

Many players prefer to play free games rather than gamble with real money. Online slots, bingo and video poker provide players the opportunity to play games without investing any of their own money. It gives gamblers the chance to test and develop their skills prior to playing games for money. Certain casinos provide players with an array of games for free to play with money before engaging in real cash games. By playing for free players can play and refine their strategies without fearing losing money.