Pengantin Perempuan di Palembang Meninggal Dunia. 5 Menit usai Ijab Qobul

Pengantin Perempuan di Palembang Meninggal Dunia, 5 Menit usai Ijab Qobul

Tengah viral di media sosial kejadian yang membawa kesedihan dan bikin nyesek, di mana seorang pengantin wanita dikabarkan meninggal dunia hanya lima menit usai ijab kabul pernikahannya di Palembang, Sumatra Selatan, Selasa (4/7/2023).

Dari narasi yang berkembang, peristiwa nahas pengantin wanita meninggal dunia diduga akibat kelelahan hingga mengalami hipertensi usai ijab kabul. Insiden tersebut tepatnya terjadi di Kelurahan Kelurahan Sialang, Kecamatan Sako Palembang, Sumatera Selatan.

Kabar itu pun dibenarkan Lurah Sialang, Dan Iqbal saat dikonfirmasi.

“Iya benar (pengantin wanita meninggal usai ijab kabul),” katanya.


Dan Iqbal tak banyak memberi komentar terkait kejadian tersebut. Dia hanya menyebutkan lokasi rumah pengantin wanita yang meninggal dunia.


“Itu di Jalan Iswahyudi, pinggir jalan sebelum masjid,” ujarnya.


Sebelumnya informasi tersebar di akun Tiktok @rahmatwinarno99, dia menyebut awalnya pernikahan tersebut terasa penuh kebahagiaan.

Pengantin perempuan di Palembang meninggal dunia, 5 menit usai Ijab Qobul. (Foto: Layar)
Pengantin perempuan di Palembang meninggal dunia, 5 menit usai Ijab Qobul. (Foto: Layar)


Namun, kebahagiaan itu dalam sekejap berakhir duka lantaran sang mempelai wanita benama Dewi mengembuskan napas terakhirnya.


“Pernikahan yg tadinya penuh kebahagiaan hanya 5 menit berganti kedukaan. Setelah 5 menit ijab qobul mempelai wanita menghembuskan napas terakhir menghadap tuhannya.” tulis keterangan dalam video akun Tiktok @rahmatwinarno99, Selasa (4/7/2023).


Di hari bahagianya itu, sang pengantin wanita diduga kelelahan dan mengalami hipertensi saat acara berlangsung.


Kabar Duka Dari Palembang, Di Duga Kelelahan Dan Hipertensi, Mempelai Wanita Meninggal Usai Ijab Qobul, Sudah Di Bawa Ke Rs Tapi Tidak Tertolong. Innalillahi Wa innaillaihi Roji’un Husnul Khotimah Aamiin,” tulis akun Instagram @Viralyes, Senin, (3/7/2023).


Tampak dalam video unggahan tersebut, masih terlihat tenda pernikahan berwarna hijau putih berdiri di tempat pernikahan. Ada juga berdiri sebuan stand banner bertuliskan ‘The Wedding’ dari kedua mempelai.


Dalam video juga terlihat tangis keluarga pecah mengiringi saat mobil ambulans membawa jenazah.


Tempat jual laptop di daerah Johar baru Jakarta Pusat

Bagi Anda yang memiliki laptop tidak terpakai,ingin ganti laptop, laptop Anda bermasalah, laptop Anda terlalu tua / kuno dan ingin dijual dan Anda berada di daerah Johar baru jakarta pusat. Anda dapat membuka  (Panggil / sms / whatsapp) kami menerima berbagai jenis laptop mulai dari merek acer, lenovo, asus, dell, serta MACBOOK. jadi bagi kamu yang berada di daerah Johar baru jakarta pusat segera hubungi kami sekarang juga di  (Telp / sms / whatsapp) tempat terpercaya untuk jual dan beli laptop dengan mudah dan cepat.

Hallo sobat jualin, kita adalah tempat terpercaya buat sobat semua untuk yang mau menjual laptopnya. Mulai dari kondisi normal sampai dengan kondisi kerusakan ringan  tetapi untuk kondisi mati total kami belum bisa bantu ya sobat. pun hadir di beberapa kota loh… Seperti di kota-kota di Jabodetabek dan ada juga nih yang di luar Jabodetabek sobat yaitu di kota Semarang,Yogyakarta dan juga Bandung nih sobat.

Untuk sobat semua yang ingin menjual laptopnya atau ingin mengedek harga laptop sobat bisa banget nih langsung aja sobat bisa menghubungi kita dengan 2 cara, yaitu :

  1.  Sobat bisa membuka website kita di jualinlaptop id nah, nanti sobat semua akan diarahkan ke website dengan tampilan seperti ini yaa..

Setelah itu tinggal sobat isi untuk Data Penerima dan tunggu beberapa saat nanti akan segera dihubungi oleh Customer Servis kami


2. Ada juga nih cara selanjutnya yaitu melalui Nomor Whatsapp kami sobat.

Berikut adalah nomor-nomor yang bisa sobat hubungi berdasarkan daerah asal sobat atau daerah yang sobat tempati saat ini 😊

Bandung        : 0813-2103-0351

Bekasi            : 0812-1391-0443

Bogor             : 0821-1511-2231

Depok             : 0821-2485-8945

Jakarta           : 0821-2427-7964

Tangerang     : 0821-1494-6046

Semarang     : 0813-9178-7514

Yogyakarta    : 0812-1564-5041

Mudah bukan sobat, jadi sobat semua tidak perlu ragu lagi untuk jual laptopnya dengan mudah,aman dan terpercaya

Jualinlaptop Indonesia ( tempat terpercaya untuk jual dan beli laptop dengan mudah dan cepat.

Hallo sobat jualin, kita adalah tempat terpercaya buat sobat semua untuk yang mau menjual laptopnya. Mulai dari kondisi normal sampai dengan kondisi kerusakan ringan  tetapi untuk kondisi mati total kami belum bisa bantu ya sobat. pun hadir di beberapa kota loh… Seperti di kota-kota di Jabodetabek dan ada juga nih yang di luar Jabodetabek sobat yaitu di kota Semarang,Yogyakarta dan juga Bandung nih sobat.

Untuk sobat semua yang ingin menjual laptopnya atau ingin mengedek harga laptop sobat bisa banget nih langsung aja sobat bisa menghubungi kita dengan 2 cara, yaitu :

  1.  Sobat bisa membuka website kita di jualinlaptop id nah, nanti sobat semua akan diarahkan ke website dengan tampilan seperti ini yaa..

Setelah itu tinggal sobat isi untuk Data Penerima dan tunggu beberapa saat nanti akan segera dihubungi oleh Customer Servis kami


2. Ada juga nih cara selanjutnya yaitu melalui Nomor Whatsapp kami sobat.

Berikut adalah nomor-nomor yang bisa sobat hubungi berdasarkan daerah asal sobat atau daerah yang sobat tempati saat ini 😊

Bandung        : 0813-2103-0351

Bekasi            : 0812-1391-0443

Bogor             : 0821-1511-2231

Depok             : 0821-2485-8945

Jakarta           : 0821-2427-7964

Tangerang     : 0821-1494-6046

Semarang     : 0813-9178-7514

Yogyakarta    : 0812-1564-5041

Mudah bukan sobat, jadi sobat semua tidak perlu ragu lagi untuk jual laptopnya dengan mudah,aman dan terpercaya

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Mobile casinos are growing in popularity because they permit players to be wherever they are playing games on the go. Online gambling is now possible because of the advances in wireless networks and smart phones. In fact, mobile casinos are becoming more sought-after than the traditional brick and mortar casinos. One of the reasons to this is because Continue reading →

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If you have ever been to mcw a casino, then you must know that the main thing they are taught in the beginning is how to gamble, and that is just what online gambling is. They are also taught the rules of the game, and these can either be bought from the casinos themselves or are available for free. These lessons Continue reading →

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Most people who gamble with internet casinos prefer the best casino games out there. They’ve developed a specific style of play they feel gives them the edge. The very same players will always play these exact same casino games in various places, but there are some characteristics common to all versions of the best casino games available on Continue reading →

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Gambling online is illegal in the United States. This is the first and most important reason to be wary of it. While it is legal in many states to gamble, US regulations are stricter. The Federal Act Wire of 1961 is one example. It prohibits betting on sports across state lines, but does not apply to other types of gambling. The 2006 Unlawful ngamenjitu Internet Gaming Enforcement Act forbids US payment processors from participating in online gaming transactions. These strict rules are the reason many online gaming operators have switched to offshore gaming.

While gambling online is legal in a majority of countries, not all of them accept it. Online casinos are banned in many countries of the European Union and some Caribbean countries. The United States brought charges against three of the largest American online poker companies. They were alleged to have violated the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act. The case was resolved and the defendants were convicted of money laundering and bank fraud. Many Americans have re-entered the internet since this time and the US government has lifted its ban against online gambling.

In addition to being illegal, online gambling may lead to a serious gambling addiction. The process of getting addicted to a specific game is extremely difficult to overcome because it is extremely difficult to stop the habit. There are various kinds of addicts. Some people become addicted to online gaming for a brief time and lose interest. Others become financially ruined and socially depressed. They are unable to complete the daily tasks required to run a successful society.

The majority of online gambling is performed using computers. The majority of websites require Windows-based PCs. However, some have added Mac capability. Despite the absence of regulations and laws that govern online gambling, most people can access and play online games on their laptops or personal computers. Smartphones are also compatible. A good internet connection is essential in order to play online. No matter what device you are using to play online, it is important to follow certain rules to stay secure and not cause harm to others.

It is crucial to keep in mind that there are many kinds of addictions that can be found in gambling online. Some people become addicted to online gambling for a short timeperiod, while others become addicted for the rest of their lives. It is essential to understand that there are varying levels of dependence, and different types of addiction can differ. Depending on the kind of addiction, a person might be able to lose interest in an thing for a brief period of time, however an unhealthy gambling habit could make it difficult to live the normal life.

It is important to understand that addiction to gambling online is extremely difficult to resist. While the problem can vary between people It is essential to recognize that different forms of addictions have different levels of severity. Some people are addicted to online gambling for a short period of time and be unable to save their entire money. It can also lead to depression and anxiety. There are many ways to prevent addiction. If you have the right mindset it is possible to stop gambling for life.

There are many types of gambling online, and each of them can be very detrimental to health. Gambling online can cause adverse effects in addition to potential physical dangers. This is the reason why many choose to avoid playing at all times even though they are aware of the dangers. Online gambling can be addictive however it is also a risk. It is possible to lose your mind over time and eventually develop an addiction. It is recommended to restrict your time on the internet and to only play games that are safe.

It is crucial to be aware of the risks and benefits that come with gambling. Some people enjoy it more than others, and some of them are more likely to develop an addiction. Like any addiction there are positive and negative side effects. For instance losing money through online gambling can result in emotional and financial ruin. It can impact your lifestyle both at work and in social life. A dependence on online gambling could lead to an inability to control it.

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How do these websites earn a commission? Through casinos. When someone visits one of the websites to Continue reading →