Kota Baubau

Kota Baubau

Kota Baubau
바우바우 (bahasa Cia-Cia)
Bendera Kota Baubau 바우바우 (bahasa Cia-Cia)

Lambang resmi Kota Baubau 바우바우 (bahasa Cia-Cia)


Kota Seribu Benteng

Baubau Kota Semerbak
Lokasi Sulawesi Tenggara Kota Bau-Bau.svg

Kota Baubau 바우바우 (bahasa Cia-Cia) di Sulawesi

Kota Baubau 바우바우 (bahasa Cia-Cia)
Kota Baubau
바우바우 (bahasa Cia-Cia)

Koordinat: 5.4667°S 122.633°E
Negara Indonesia
ProvinsiSulawesi Tenggara
Tanggal berdiri21 Juni 2001
Dasar hukumUU No. 13 Tahun 2001
Hari jadi17 Oktober 1541
Jumlah satuan pemerintahan


 • Wali KotaLa Ode Ahmad Monianse

 • Total295,07 km2 (113,93 sq mi)

 • Total167.519
 • Kepadatan570/km2 (1,500/sq mi)

 • AgamaIslam 96,10%
Kristen 1,93%
— Protestan 1,33%
— Katolik 0,60%
Hindu 1,90%
Buddha 0,06%
Lainnya 0,01%[1]
Zona waktuUTC+08:00 (WITA)
Kode area telepon0402
Kode Kemendagri74.72 Edit nilai pada Wikidata
DAURp. 317.920.877.000,-(2011)[2]
Situs webwww.baubaukota.go.id

Kota Baubau adalah sebuah kota di Pulau ButonSulawesi TenggaraIndonesia. Baubau memperoleh status kota pada tanggal 21 Juni 2001 berdasarkan UU No. 13 Tahun 2001. Luas kota ini 295,072 km² dengan jumlah penduduk 167.519 jiwa (2018).[1]

Berdasarkan Perda No. 02 tahun 2010 tentang Penetapan Hari Jadi Kota Baubau dan Perubahan Penulisan Baubau, ditetapkan pada pasal 5 ayat 1 dan 2 bahwa nama penulisan nama Kota Bau-Bau menjadi Baubau, sesuai dengan Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan. Pada Perda tersebut juga ditetapkan bahwa hari jadi Kota Baubau pada tanggal 17 Oktober 1541. Pemilihan tahun 1541 karena tahun tersebut merupakan tahun bersejarah di bumi seribu benteng ini. Hal ini ditandai dengan terjadinya transformasi pemerintahan Kerajaan Buton menjadi Kesultanan Buton sebagai pembaharuan, yang ditandai dengan dilantiknya Lakilaponto sebagai Sultan Buton I dengan Gelar Sultan Murhum Kaimuddin Khalifatul Khamis [3]

Baubau menduduki peringkat ke-8 sebagai kota terbesar di Sulawesi berdasarkan jumlah populasi tahun 2010 atau urutan ke-2 untuk Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara.[4] Hasil registrasi penduduk pada akhir tahun 2006 berjumlah 122.339 jiwa. Dari jumlah tersebut, terdapat jumlah penduduk laki-laki sebanyak 57.027 jiwa (46,61%) dan perempuan 65.312 jiwa (53,39%).

Berdasarkan sensus penduduk tahun 2010 jumlah penduduk Kota Baubau sebanyak 137.118 jiwa, dengan kepadatan sebesar 1.113 per km², dan pertumbuhan sebesar 2,975% per tahun.

Nilai PDRB daerah Kota Baubau berdasarkan harga berlaku pada tahun 2007 sebesar. Rp 1.254,49 miliar, sedangkan berdasarkan harga konstan sebesar Rp. 586,32 miliar.[5]

Pada tanggal 19 Februari 2005, Baubau diguncang gempa bumi berkekuatan 6,9 skala Richter.

Sejarah[sunting | sunting sumber]

Pada awalnya, Baubau merupakan pusat Kerajaan Buton (Wolio) yang berdiri pada awal abad ke-15 (1401–1499). Buton mulai dikenal dalam Sejarah Indonesia karena telah tercatat dalam naskah Nagarakretagama karya Prapanca pada Tahun 1365 Masehi dengan menyebut Buton atau Butuni sebagai Negeri (Desa) Keresian atau tempat tinggal para resi di mana terbentang taman dan didirikan lingga serta saluran air dengan rajanya bergelar Yang Mulia Mahaguru.[6] Cikal bakal negeri Buton untuk menjadi sebuah Kerajaan pertama kali dirintis oleh kelompok Mia Patamiana (si empat orang) yaitu Sipanjonga, Simalui, Sitamanajo dan Sijawangkati yang oleh sumber lisan di Buton mereka berasal dari Semenanjung Tanah Melayu pada akhir abad ke-13.[7]

Kejayaan masa Kerajaan Buton (Wolio) sampai Kesultanan Buton sejak berdiri pada tahun 1332 sampai dengan 1960 telah banyak meninggalkan warisan masa lalu yang gemilang.[6] Sampai saat ini masih dapat disaksikan berupa peninggalan sejarah, budaya seperti naskah kuno yg tersimapan pada garis keturunan Laode dan Waode di pulau buton, sedangkan naskah lain masih banyak yg dibawa ke belanda oleh bangsa belanda sendiri pada saat penjajahan mereka dan arkeologi seperti kuburan raja dan sultan, benteng pertahanan keraton, pintu gerbang yg disebut lawa, meriam tua dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya. Saat ini wilayah bekas Kesultanan Buton telah berdiri beberapa kabupaten dan kota, yaitu Kabupaten ButonKabupaten MunaKabupaten WakatobiKabupaten BombanaKabupaten Buton UtaraKabupaten Muna BaratKabupaten Buton TengahKabupaten Buton Selatan, dan Kota Baubau.[7]

Keadaan wilayah[sunting | sunting sumber]

Luas wilayah[sunting | sunting sumber]

Kota Baubau mempunyai wilayah daratan seluas 221,00 km², luas laut mencapai 30 km² merupakan kawasan potensial untuk pengembangan sarana dan prasarana transportasi laut.[8][9]

Letak geografis[sunting | sunting sumber]

Secara geografis terletak di bagian selatan garis khatulistiwa di antara 5.21° – 5.33° Lintang Selatan dan di antara 122.30° – 122.47° Bujur Timur atau terletak di sebelah Selatan Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara.

Wilayah Kota Baubau berbatasan dengan:

UtaraSelat Buton
TimurKecamatan Kapontori, Kabupaten Buton
SelatanKecamatan Pasar Wajo, Kabupaten Buton
BaratKecamatan Kadatua, Kabupaten Buton Selatan

Topografi[sunting | sunting sumber]

Kota Baubau pada umumnya memiliki permukaan yang bergunung, bergelombang dan berbukit-bukit. Di antara gunung dan bukit-bukit terbentang dataran yang merupakan daerah-daerah potensial untuk mengembangkan sektor pertanian.

Hidrologis[sunting | sunting sumber]

Kota Baubau memiliki pula sungai yang besar, yaitu sungai Baubau yang membatasi Wolio dan Betoambari serta membelah ibu kota Baubau. Sungai tersebut umumnya memiliki potensi yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber tenagairigasi dan kebutuhan rumah tangga.

Iklim[sunting | sunting sumber]

Kota Baubau beriklim muson tropis (Am) dengan dua musim yang dipengaruhi oleh pergerakan angin muson, yaitu musim hujan dan musim kemarau dengan suhu udara berkisar 21 °C–33 °C. Musim hujan berlangsung cukup panjang yakni pada bulan November dan Mei, pada bulan–bulan tersebut angin barat yang bertiup dari Asia dan Samudera Pasifik mengandung banyak uap air, musim kemarau terjadi mulai bulan Juni sampai bulan Oktober, pada bulan-bulan ini angin timur yang bertiup dari Australia kurang mengandung uap air.

Jualinlaptop Indonesia (Jualinlaptop.id) tempat terpercaya untuk jual dan beli laptop dengan mudah dan cepat

Hallo sobat jualin, kita adalah tempat terpercaya buat sobat semua untuk yang mau menjual laptopnya. Mulai dari kondisi normal sampai dengan kondisi kerusakan ringan tetapi untuk kondisi mati total kami belum bisa bantu ya sobat.. Jualinlaptop.id pun hadir di beberapa kota loh… Seperti di kota-kota di Jabodetabek dan ada juga nih yang di luar Jabodetabek sobat yaitu di kota Semarang,Yogyakarta dan juga Bandung nih sobat.
Untuk sobat semua yang ingin menjual laptopnya atau ingin mengedek harga laptop sobat bisa banget nih langsung aja sobat bisa menghubungi kita dengan 2 cara, yaitu :
1.  Sobat bisa membuka website kita di jualinlaptop id nah, nanti sobat semua akan diarahkan ke website dengan tampilan seperti ini yaa..
Setelah itu tinggal sobat isi untuk Data Penerima dan tunggu beberapa saat nanti akan segera dihubungi oleh Customer Servis kami.
2. Ada juga nih cara selanjutnya yaitu melalui Nomor Whatsapp kami sobat. Berikut adalah nomor-nomor yang bisa sobat hubungi berdasarkan daerah asal sobat atau daerah yang sobat tempati saat ini 😊
Bandung : 0813-2103-0351
Bekasi : 0812-1391-0443
Bogor : 0821-1511-2231
Depok : 0821-2485-8945
Jakarta : 0821-2427-7964
Tangerang : 0821-1494-6046
Semarang : 0813-9178-7514
Yogyakarta : 0812-1564-5041
Mudah bukan sobat, jadi sobat semua tidak perlu ragu lagi untuk jual laptopnya dengan mudah,aman dan terpercaya…

Jualinlaptop Indonesia (Jualinlaptop.id) tempat terpercaya untuk jual dan beli laptop dengan mudah dan cepat

Hallo sobat jualin, kita adalah tempat terpercaya buat sobat semua untuk yang mau menjual laptopnya. Mulai dari kondisi normal sampai dengan kondisi kerusakan ringan tetapi untuk kondisi mati total kami belum bisa bantu ya sobat.. Jualinlaptop.id pun hadir di beberapa kota loh… Seperti di kota-kota di Jabodetabek dan ada juga nih yang di luar Jabodetabek sobat yaitu di kota Semarang,Yogyakarta dan juga Bandung nih sobat.
Untuk sobat semua yang ingin menjual laptopnya atau ingin mengedek harga laptop sobat bisa banget nih langsung aja sobat bisa menghubungi kita dengan 2 cara, yaitu :
1.  Sobat bisa membuka website kita di jualinlaptop id nah, nanti sobat semua akan diarahkan ke website dengan tampilan seperti ini yaa..
Setelah itu tinggal sobat isi untuk Data Penerima dan tunggu beberapa saat nanti akan segera dihubungi oleh Customer Servis kami.
2. Ada juga nih cara selanjutnya yaitu melalui Nomor Whatsapp kami sobat. Berikut adalah nomor-nomor yang bisa sobat hubungi berdasarkan daerah asal sobat atau daerah yang sobat tempati saat ini 😊
Bandung : 0813-2103-0351
Bekasi : 0812-1391-0443
Bogor : 0821-1511-2231
Depok : 0821-2485-8945
Jakarta : 0821-2427-7964
Tangerang : 0821-1494-6046
Semarang : 0813-9178-7514
Yogyakarta : 0812-1564-5041
Mudah bukan sobat, jadi sobat semua tidak perlu ragu lagi untuk jual laptopnya dengan mudah,aman dan terpercaya…

How to Make Money at Online Casino

Many online casino sites offer a no deposit bonus amount. Some of these casinos are on the top ten list. These sites offer real-money bonus to anyone who signs up with them. There is no obligation and the bonus money is only to have fun. The bonus money is seldom used. You can basically spend any amount on gaming you wish, and then go home.

How do you get free online casino real money casinos online without depositing a dime? You play via the electronic wallet. It is basically a credit card or debit card. You can load your ewallet with money from any online gambling website. A contact number will espinho be provided by the online casino site so that you can check your balance.

Most of the casinos online that offer bonus points or e-wallet casinos will also provide top ten lists for their most popular games that are played with real money. After you have registered at your preferred online casino, visit their site to sign up. Some casinos will allow you to build a collection of favorite online casino games with real money. This lets you have a a ready made collection of games that you can play at any point you want.

You will receive an email with a link to an online application form when you sign up for an account at an online casino. You will be asked to provide basic information like your name, address and phone number. You will also receive a bonus amount by the casino that you can use to play your cash.

After you’ve submitted your details After submitting your details, you will receive an email with instructions on how you can access your bonus. Many casinos online provide banking options. The banking options are usually very easy and convenient in comparison to the banking options that are offered by traditional brick and mortar casinos. You can access your online gaming account with your bank, credit card or debit card.

One of the great things about online casino games for free is the possibility to play as better casino many as you’d like. As long as you remember your bonus amount you are able to play whatever you want. There are no restrictions, expiration dates or penalties for playing too much. The bonus amount can be used around 200 times.

A welcome bonus is an option available at several online casinos. A welcome bonus is an additional way to show appreciation to new players for playing the casino. In the majority of casinos, welcome bonuses include a special offer for one or two hours of play , along with an exclusive reward. It could be as easy as one hour of play for free or maybe a casino will give you a gift card. A welcome bonus code could be given to new players, and they can use to activate their bonus.

If you’re looking to play casino games that you’ve not played before, I would suggest you visit an online casino offering an initial free trial and try it out for a while. You should first test the bonus before you make any money online. Always test various games offered by casinos using different casino accounts in order to find the one you like best.

Online casinos won’t allow players to play longer than a certain amount of time. Bonuses are typically forfeited and you must begin again from zero. It is important that you be aware of the rules before beginning to play. A welcome bonus can be tempting but keep in mind that you cannot spend more than what you have earned. This might be tempting, but if are new to online gaming, you should always use paypal or a credit card. The new players may have difficulty understanding the system behind the online casino, however once they get hang of things they will find that playing for real money is easier than playing for virtual money.

You should make sure that the bonuses offered by the top 10 online real money casinos are attractive when you’re looking for them. You should only play at the top ten casinos that provide the highest amount of bonus cash to maximize your chances of winning. Once you have identified the top ten casinos, you can then start playing. Remember that you’re only permitted to play for a set amount of time, and after you’re done, you will have to wait until the promotion ends before you can start again.

These promotions are popular at online casinos that offer poker as a game. When you participate in these promotions, you will be able to see that they have specific conditions. They typically require you to play for a specific amount of time. Once you meet their requirements , you will be awarded a specific amount of bonus cash. It is recommended to sign up with multiple casinos in order to maximize your rewards. These promotions are a great source of players who remain even when they lose. This is because they get so much bonus money for playing numerous times. Participating in these promotions can help you make real money in online casinos.

Tips On Playing Free Internet Casinos

If you are among the growing amount of people who have heard about online casinos but are not certain of the authenticity, you may wan wunderinot to read this. We are going to take a look at what an online casino is, what it provides its users and how Canadian players can make cash with them. We will Continue reading →

What are the top online slots to play?

You may be a seasoned slot machine player, but you may be surprised at the tricks you can pull on online slots today. In the end, this is the new version of gambling, and it has gained a lot of popularity across the globe. Online slots have been in existence since the beginning. Players have tried to find ways to cheat the system in order to gain more money. It’s almost impossible to achieve a quick win with online slots.

The first thing to be aware of when galo bet playing online slots is that there aren’t any “old reliable” ways to win. The online slots games all employ “redundant” paylines. The payline will be shown after you have placed your bet and the ball spins. It is that simple. What people aren’t aware of is that the ball will end up in the payline in the event that you are lucky enough to see a winning symbol. This is what causes many people to lose more money than they win, and is a major flaw in the design of online slots.

The next thing you need to know about online slot machines is that you can win money playing free games. A lot of the games that you see on television are free or have very small winnings. If you’re looking to play real money online slots you could do quite well with these. Free games aren’t going to cut it If you are hoping to win thousands of dollars in a single day. For more exciting paylines, you will need to look elsewhere.

Many people are unaware that many online slot sites offer cumulative jackpots that increase as time passes. Despite the increasing competition, this does not mean that the jackpots are less than any other site. Although you may come across sites with higher jackpots than others, this should not hinder players from playing. This means you can play for longer and build up big jackpots more quickly. This is another way that you can win more free money from online slots.

To be able to win more money from online slots, you have to understand how the reels spin. While the actual spinning of reels produces random results, certain symbols will appear in accordance with the spin they make. For example red spins will appear when the player bet on red. This is because the casino operator is trying to make the game more appealing to players with red as their primary colour scheme. You can earn lots of money playing the casino if patient and careful.

Many people fear online slots machines because they aren’t sure what to expect. Slot jet machines online are similar in nature to those that you find in casinos. To determine which symbols you will win, you need to be attentive to the labels. Certain symbols, like the jackpot icons, will appear in bold, while others will be in small print.

There are no limits in the most popular online slots games. This is why it is known as”a “limit” game. As long as online slots have paylines, there’s never a stopping player. There are a variety of paylines available in online slots. Some, like the multiplier, operate in a different way in comparison to other. There are also different types of multipliers, and these perform in a different way as well.

You don’t need to risk your life to play the slot games that you know and enjoy. This way, you’ll feel more comfortable while playing. It’s acceptable to try new slot games every now and again. Even if they cost you money at times there is nothing wrong with trying new games. It is important to master the game before you begin playing with real money. This will ensure that you do not lose everything at once.

No Deposit Casino Bonus

What are no bonus casino deposits? There are a variety of promotions available in the world of online gambling. Casino promotions that do not require deposits are among the types of promotions. These promotions give players the chance to play a certain amount of spins on chosen slots online without the requirement to deposit any money. Once a player Continue reading →

How to Play Free Casino Games

There are a variety of online casino games ubet95 casino that players can play for free. A lot of them are games of luck such as roulette and bingo. Casino games on the internet offer more anonymity which some players like. Online casino websites provide players with free games without having to reveal their identity. This allows players to play new games without fear of getting spotted by others in the online casino.

You can play many online casino games for free. Some of the most popular games include online slots blackjack, video poker roulette and bingo. Each game allows players to win prize if they win. The kind of prize will vary. Players can win cash or credits that they can use to play online slot machines.

Online casinos make it easy to find a slot that is free to play. This is because most casinos online provide this option. It is common to see several results for different casino games when you search for a game that is free. This makes it easy for people to find one site to play for free casino games.

When people play free casino games, they can increase the chances of winning real money in the casino. The number of coins that you can judibet918 casino bet on in a slot game will determine the amount of money you could win. This is not the case with online casinos.

It is possible to play for free with real money in these online casinos. However, players must keep in mind that these casinos may not offer the highest payouts for each game. Therefore, players must consider whether or not they want to play these games for more than a couple of minutes before deciding to cash out. They could lose a significant amount of money fast in the event that they don’t.

Reviewing different casinos is an excellent way to gain knowledge about their offerings. Reviewers should also see if the casino offers a variety. This will let them pick the games they enjoy the most. However, players should be aware that free slots do not offer the same rewards as traditional slots.

It is possible to play for free casino games at these casinos online using real money. However, it is important for new players to be aware that this is a risky option. It is not uncommon for new players to lose money when they play these casino games. Anyone who is interested in these games must be prepared to lose large amounts of money.

When you’re looking for an alternative venue where they can play free games there are literally millions of online casino games available. These machines for free can be found at one of the top sites. It is essential to ensure that you’re making the most of your time before signing up for an account at an online casino.

One method to play for free is to access them via their smart phones and iPhones. Numerous casinos allow players to play for free on their mobile devices. Many people love the ease of playing for free games while on the move. This is especially true when there is a strong signal available from a mobile phone.

You can also play free online casino games by going to an official website and downloading the free versions of your most-loved casino games. These websites typically allow players to play these casino games for free. They may also provide free access to these games. However, players must be aware that these free casino games might not be available on all of the slot machines that casinos have to offer. Therefore, it is important for them to make sure that they are aware of the slot machines they will be able to play before they decide to sign up on the casino’s website.

There are numerous different ways for people to play free casino games like those mentioned above. There are many websites on the Internet which provide users with no-cost versions of the most popular slot machines. While it is essential that players are aware of all games they will be allowed to play prior to making the decision to pay money to play, the game providers are aware that the majority of slot machines that are available on the Internet are legal. There is no reason to worry about the legality of any slot machine on a website.

No Deposit Bonuses – How to Maximize Your Winnings

You will often find a casino without a bonus code for no deposit. Certain sites offer no deposit bonuses, but this isn’t really what it claims to be. In essence, this means that a player who deposits funds at casinos with a promotional offer attached can withdraw those funds as soon as the said offer ends. There are other casinos which do not offer Continue reading →